COntrovertial topics: Abortion
Abortion is a difficult topic to talk about, it is often on the news. There are many disagreements about it, and it is important to listen and understand each other. One day, I had to remind a friend to listen before speaking, because she was very passionate.
She met a person that planned to have an abortion, and my friend was very mad. But this person explained she was too young to have a kid. She also didn’t have a lot of money because her family was very poor.
Even if I could agree or disagree with her decision to have an abortion, the reality is that the kid was going to have a very difficult life. I could only think about my kids, and how much I struggle and work to give them a good life. I worry about their health, grades and feelings. I live them very much.
If this person
was unwilling to do all that for her kid, I could think that kid is better off not existing.
exists, many people never adopt, and for that reason those kids almost never
experience a loving parent. That is very sad, and I would not wish that on
anybody, born or unborn.
I don't think my friend understood that, but we can always agree to disagree.